Friday, February 1, 2013

Me. 'As a person, not as a photographer' | Northern Utah Photographer

'...yes, it's about the imagery, but more so, it's about the Imager'.
  -Jasmine Star

   I've always been annoyed with the 'About me' sections of hundreds of small business websites/blogs. They seem so repetitive, and so unreal. So, I never made one.

   Jasmine Star is an international wedding photographer who I admire to no end. She's also an incredibly talented writer. If you haven't read her blog before, you totally should. Even if you're not 'into' photography, she'll have you hooked with her humor, wit, and fun posts.  I've recently read her magazine, EXPOSED, in which she talks about 'selling' yourself not just your images. And it's true. When I look for a photographer, I look for someone who I can 'click' with. Someone who could be my friend. Someone my family and I will be comfortable around.

 So, here is my (long winded) attempt to let you know about me.

'As a person, not as a photographer'. -Jasmine Star

You. Me. Let's 'click'.

I will start by telling you the most important thing about me. I am a mother. A mother of 3.
First, A beautiful, crazy daughter.


(<---Beautiful)                           (Crazy --->)

   Second (& I guess third), two very cute, loud & obnoxious, extremely lovey & cuddly dogs: Bear & Koda.  I consider my dogs my kids. They are a part of our family.  Yes, I am that crazy dog lady. If I could, I would have a Dog Hotel, just like that cheesy, but oh so cute movie.

   I am from Kansas. I moved to Utah to be with my husband, who I met online. Totally serious. I am slightly obsessed with the KU (University of Kansas) Jayhawks. Rock Chalk baby!  I can't say Kansas with out an accent. I can't say accent without an accent. I have a Kansas accent, when I say Kansas or accent.

   I am horrible with spelling and all things related. I probably should have put that at the top of this post as a disclaimer or something. Hmph. Oh well. If you've made it this far, it can't be making you too miserable. ;) 

   I have more than any one person should have of lotion. I worked at Bath & Body Works 7 years ago, and still have a stash of product. When I say stash, I mean close to 100 bottles. I think this goes for Chapstick's too. I wish I was kidding. So does my husband.  ;)

   Vanilla. I love you. Specifically, vanilla syrup. & ice cream. & tootsie rolls. Any ways. I put vanilla syrup in my drinks every possible chance. If I have to decide where we eat out for dinner, I will chose somewhere based on if they have vanilla flavor to add to my drink. I even put it in my water. Yes, I make vanilla water, and you should too. It's fabulous.

   Anything zebra or black and white 'chevron' I want.  If it wouldn't seem like one giant optical illusion, I would decorate my entire house in those two patterns. 

   Shoes (specifically high, and I mean high heels) and purses are a major weakness for me.  But, what girl doesn't have this 'obsession' right? Right. Just because I NEVER (and I mean NEVER) wear any of the many many heels I own, doesn't mean I have a problem does it? After all, they do look pretty sitting in my closet...

  I am ALWAYS in sweats or PJ's. Well, if I'm home that is. I also always wear hoop earrings. Plain, boring, silver hoops. I'm pretty much a fashion 'failure'. I see things I love. I buy things I love. But heaven help me if I'm ever in anything but your basic t-shirt and jeans. 
   I'm also really horrible with interior design/decorating. I buy lots of cute stuff, however, my house continually looks like Hobby Lobby and your local craft store barfed a little in each room.

I do have one little 'beauty tip': Vaseline. Instead of lotion at night, I slather Vaseline all over my face. Baby bottom soft. From a severe acne 'graduate', I promise, it won't make you break out!

I don't run. I hate running. I do love yoga (Jillian Michael's to be exact). & pulling weeds. Yes, like weeds out of my garden. It's a strange stress relief for me and can be a decent workout too. 

   I've been known to unload, and reload my dishwasher so it's in the 'right' order. Even the silverware has a certain 'spot'. Ugh. Yeah, I'm serious.

   I work for a company called LazyOne. We design, and distribute pajamas. I've recently started shooting the photography for their catalog as well. Sounds fun right? It totally is. 

  I am 'closed' Monday nights. Biggest Loser and the Bachelor are very time consuming. ;)  I'm a *F*R*I*E*N*D*S* fanatic. I know what you're wondering...the answer is no. I did not name my daughter Emma because Rachel from FRIENDS named her daughter Emma. I'm not that crazy. Well, maybe I am, but not for that reason.

  When I'm by myself, I sing really loud in my car. Mostly to GLEE, *Nsync, or BSB. Yes, I'm serious and yes, I realize I'm no longer 16. Frankly, I just don't care. ;)

  I have a photography bucket list. A very very long photography bucket list. It ranges from shooting a white tiger, to an old couple on the merry go round (gosh those first two just sound bad), to attending certain workshops & WPPI, to getting Russell James' coffee and watch him shoot, eh, photograph the Victoria's Secret Angels.

I prefer to always wear flip flops when I'm at a photography session (in the warmer weather obviously), or no shoes if I'm inside.  When I army crawl, climb, hike and stuff, it's best for everyone if I'm comfortable. ;)

I am a horrible (<--see the italics?) cook.  & by horrible I mean I burn Easy Mac. Yup.

My comfort food is McDonald's, Peanut M&M's and a Diet Coke. I can thank my daddy for that. ;)

I think Dalmatians are the prettiest dogs. If you own one, and want pictures with him/her I will probably give you an awesome discount.

The best job I've had was working for a concert arena in Kansas City. I've been to more concerts than I can count and met a lot of fabulous (some famous) people.

I love my family. My little family is everything to me but also my mom, dad, sister and brother. They are my family, yes, but also my best friends. I miss them terribly. I wish they lived across the street because frankly 5 hours is just too far when I need a hug, want to say hi or go visit about nothing and get some good laughs in. I haven't lived at home in a long long time, but it never gets easier to say 'goodbye' after a too short of a weekend. Pretty sure tears are always involved on my end.

I'm a mommy's girl. I'm a daddy's girl. My sister is my other half. My brother is my 'homie'.  ;)

My two boys are my 'uplifters' and my cuddle bugs. My husband is my best friend, my rock & eternal companion. My daughter is my precious angel, my biggest blessing.

 My family is my everything.

My name is Rachel Eve.
I am a photographer. I am a friend. 
Yours? I sure hope so. 


About Me

I'm in this for the long haul, and I'm glad you've joined me.

'Hate on, & watch me fly'-J*

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