Friday, April 20, 2012

The 'Crop Factor' | Cache Valley Photographer

{Ring Ring}
Me: Olo? I mean hello?
Client: OMG. You're so weird. Any ways, I'm at ___________ printing off pictures from our session with you a few months back. I've finally got all my frames picked out, but the prints are chopping off Bob's head in one, and in the large group, there's 2 people missing!
Me: Are you trying to print 8 x 10?
Client: Yes
Me: At Walmart?  (ANY other 'convenient lab' is the SAME deal)..
Client: Yes
Me: {having small heart attack}. When pictures are taken, SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) they are always in a ratio 2:3 (4x6, 8x12 crops, etc). So, cropping an 8 x 10 images is going to crop off a lot more than a 5 x 7. Get it?
Client: Uhhhh No.
Me: hmmmmm...

Well, well, well, let me SHOW you what I mean!  :)

There are many reasons I discourage printing at labs such as Walmart, Costco, Walgreens, Sam's Club, Snapfish, etc. BUT I have 2 in particular that I would hope, pray, and beg you not to.  If you've purchased a print release from Rachel Eve Photography for your images, you will be allowed to print literally anywhere. When you do, please keep this 'crop factor' in mind. Color Correction is the other reason I would hope, pray, and beg you not to use these labs..I'll have a blog post on that one here soon. Two of the quickest ways to ruin an amazing photo. Convenient labs usually do not let you chose the crop, which is why 'Bob' is missing or Sally's head is only partially there vs. the image on your digital collection. These labs will not care if your family portrait is ruined. You may pay less, but, you get what you pay for.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A cute girl with a special project...| Northern Utah Photographer

Spring is FINALLY here! Wahoo!!!! Is any one else enjoying it as much as I am? I don't even mind the fact, I love a good storm here and there...just as long as it's not on a day I've got a session scheduled!  ;)  Unless of course, I have some totally willing, free-to-do-whatever clients...then, I'm game.

See this babe?

She's from Cedar City..Nope, these are not her senior pictures. Her mom is actually a photographer down south and so she got the privilege to take her daughters senior cool is that? I can only hope my little one will let me take hers in...15 years?? ;)

These pictures are very special pictures....for a very cool project Ms. Kara has been working on... 

Who wants to take a guess at what it is???

What about now? 

Still have no clue do you?? Okay Okay Okay..she recorded her first CD! I can't wait to see the cover of it..I'll be sure to post it if I can..I've heard this girl sing, and she reminds me a lot of Mandy Moore aka Tangled (at our house any ways)! Not only is she cute, but she's talented. Double out out.

P.S. I pinky promise (that stuff is legit) we did not see this until we were leaving! Oops!!! 

About Me

I'm in this for the long haul, and I'm glad you've joined me.

'Hate on, & watch me fly'-J*

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