I had SO much fun with all of my seniors this year. In the future, I would love to photograph seniors full time. Look at this girl....can you really blame me? She is to die for gorgeous and we had a lot of fun at her session. I don't know about you, but I see a little hint on Megan Fox in these pictures! ;)

It was freezing. It was snowing. She was a sport. & covered in goose bumps.

I spy.....snow! Do you?

I wasn't lying about Megan Fox. If you can't see the similarities in the photos at the barn, you're nuts. Plain nuts. & maybe a little blind! ;)
One of my favorites from the session!

Now that Miss Tori is all graduated and stuuufff...her cards are no longer 'secret'. I <3 how they turned out..don't you?

Congratulations on graduating Tori!
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