Hi Internet. This is Brooke. She is my favorite. She is gorgeous. She is fun. She is willing. 100% ideal client for any photographer.
I was beyond stoked when Brooke said she wanted to do a Trash the Dress session. I've never done one before. Seen them? Yes. Loved them? No doubt.
Not everyone understands or agrees with 'trashing' a wedding dress. And that's fine. Brooke however, was game. ;) She is also a photographer, a hair dresser, and a designer. She understands the 'need' to be creative and work 'outside of the box' once in a while!
Bold & beautiful was our goal & I think we scored. Don't you?

We had fun. A LOT of fun. My awesome sister in law (as many of you know), assists me on the majority of my photo shoots. We have a blast and she will never know how much I truly appreciate all of her help! She is a good sport and isn't afraid to get burnt, or fall into the freezing river. ;) I {heart} her. That is all.

Remember when I said Brooke was willing? This is exactly what I was referring to! I think {her} hubby and Rach {sister in law/assistant} were also willing! :)

Last fall, I took Brooke & her fam's pictures. After I was done editing them, and my confidence was at -1892304820938420975028 below normal (yeah, that low) I e-mailed her and told her I was banning myself from every working with her again. I guess I lied & I'm so glad I did.

I know the 'point' of these pictures, is bright, bold, and colorful. I just couldn't resist this one in black and white. Her eyes amaze me. Just pure awesome.

Last but not least...My favorite picture EVER. The best part was there was hardly ANY editing involved. This girl is a natural.

Thanks Brooke, Steve, & Rach! It was a blast and I LOVE the outcome. You rock & will never know how glad I am you did this shoot with me!
I LOVE this session so much! First of all, she is just GORGEOUS!!!!! I mean, how lucky are you? Really! Secondly, you did a fabulous job, as always Rachel! My favorite is the one where she is laying on her stomach, her foot is popped and has some yellow paint on it, she's looking over to her left, and smiling! I am also incredibly jealous of her awesome hair!