This year, I decided to join a 52 week photo project. 1 photo a week for a year. Each week is a new 'theme' to follow and is to be posted at the beginning of the week (Sunday).
Week 1: Breaking the 'Rules'.
You were supposed to break: The Rule of Thirds
I broke: The rule of thirds, the one posted photo, AND the posting date. Yup. Week 1 and I'm nearly a week late to post. Can we just call it rebellion? ;)
I got this crown in the mail earlier this week, and ever since my daughter has been asking to take 'her princess' pictures. I'm sure, any parent would agree, if your child ASKS you to take their photo, you can not say no! She even told me how she wanted her hair, and which tutu she wanted to wear. She's my rock star and we have SO much fun with our little, tiny, nothing fancy photo shoots. :)

P.S. I'm aware there are a few that are actually 'following' the rule of thirds. ;)

& we had some skittles in her princess tent to 'celebrate' her becoming a princess. Kids are. The. Best!

She's so animated and adorable! It is wonderful when you can shoot their ideas.