This post is going to be short on my ramblings. I know. You're totally crushed {insert sarcasm}. ;) Whatever cold/cough/sickness I've had for the last week is KICKING my trash... BUT, I wanted to make sure and post a few from this lovely BFF mini I had last week. One of the girls just left for Germany a few days ago, so this was extra fun and special for these two! They reminded me SO much of me and
my BFF. The giggles, the jokes, the sisterly 'bond'. I hope that they get to visit each other lots and enjoy every second!
'... it feels like we have known each other our whole lives and {we} have been inseparable..' -Casey
'I miss having my best friend around me all the time! I've never had someone I've been so close to..'- Tyffani