Sunday, February 17, 2013

BFF Mini Winner(s) | Northern Utah Photographer

   I was SO surprised how many people nominated themselves or got nominated for the BFF sessions!  I knew as soon as I started getting e-mails and messages I wouldn't be able to decide on my own.  So, who better than to help me out? My BFF!  I sent her all the entries and we discussed, and discussed and discussed who should 'win'.  In all honesty (and I know this probably sounds cliché) I wish I could give everyone who entered a session.  Some were funny (I was seriously LOL-ing), and some were so sad they tugged at my heart strings.  All I know is, there are some people out there lucky enough to have such great friends in their lives. It's seriously, one of the biggest blessings in MY life, & I know it's the same for ya'll.

Before I 'announce' the winner(s) I want everyone who entered to know, if you and your BFF want a BFF photo session, I will give you a KILLER deal! Mini, or full. You let me know and I'll give you 'the BFF' discount rate. ;)

Okay, so, my BFF and I couldn't pick just one. Like I said, we wanted to pick everyone.  So, we chose three! Three fabulous entires who are or have been separated from their BFF by states or even countries! We know how hard that is! Their friendships mirrored ours in SO SO many ways, we hope they will be able to enjoy their free BFF mini session!

*Jenn Piedra & her BFF Felicia!
*Tyff Marquardt & her BFF Casey!
*Sierra Silva Quesada & her BFF!

Shoot me an e-mail to get your session scheduled! 

Thanks again to all who entered!  Don't forget you get a special BFF discount for entering!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Lovely Lashes | Logan UT Photographer

Lovely lashes, right? Right.  You can't even tell they are 'extensions'. I love the way they look. I'm 100% addicted. Yes, I had to get lash extensions myself and it is 100% worth it! 
The models were SO much fun to work with. You may remember Andrea from her senior pictures. She's always so fun (and her amazingly good looks always adds to it) to work with!

So, ladies & gents...Feast your eyes on a little eye {lash} candy.  Enjoy your weekend & call Rebecca at Studio 170 (in Logan) to get yours done too! She's AMAZING!!!

Happy Friday!

{pssst.  The babe below is Rebecca. The cosmetologist who does the lashes}

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Love Story | Northern UT Wedding Photographer

   For those of you who don't already know, Mike, the groom is my 'little' brother.  I use the term little loosely since he is a few inches shy of being a foot taller than I am. 
   Mike met his new wife, Brittany, while attending school in Idaho.  Mike's room mate introduced him to 'the girl he was going to marry'....he wasn't kidding.

Okay boys, I want you to remember this for when you propose...get a photographer. No matter where (uhh my grandma's backyard), no matter how dark it is (8pm in October- it was dark and cold)...DO IT!  It will be something you & your fiancé/wife/woman/girl will treasure FOREVER!

If you haven't see it already, you can see the slideshow of Mike's proposal to Brittany here.


The real Engagements...we played an April Fools joke...I was surprised how many people fell for it! ;)

 The Formals & First Look

Okay, pause for a second.  If you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen my post about my brother making a bid deal....about a toe pop.  Yes, he was jealous (maybe not really, but I'm saying he was) of all the attention his lovely bride-to-be was getting.  He wanted to do a toe pop too (see above).  Anyways, so we get the giggle out with the toe pop thing...and I ask for some 'soft smiles' (AKA smiles with no teeth).  I learned from one of my teachers the term 'serious' can make people seem/look angry. We don't want that...especially in wedding photos.  My brother is apparently incapable of a 'soft smile'. I asked in their engagement session, and their formals and here are the results:

 Brittany's got it down. The smize (smile with her eyes), the soft smile.  So, Brittany, my mom and I did a little coaching...I think it paid off...

Well, it paid off for about 2 seconds, but that was long enough for my shutter to 'click'. ;)

I love how they look at each other!

The Wedding Day


Congrats to Mike & Brittany. We're so excited she's joined our crazy, but very fun family. ;)

About Me

I'm in this for the long haul, and I'm glad you've joined me.

'Hate on, & watch me fly'-J*

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