It's been about a year since I was able to say, "hello, I'm a Mac". It took me that entire time to find something I truly dislike about it. All those who are considering the Mac vs. PC debate, please please please, take this point into consideration...It's totally legit and no, I'm not kidding one bit. You know when you get your nails done, and they 'click'..I love that click. It's like a constant compliment reminder that ' it's okay you're on a PC, your nails look awesome'. Well, when you type on a mac, you don't get the 'click'. Takes all the fun out of typing. I'm fairly convinced, it's because if you're on a Mac, you don't need that pat on the back, to make you feel better about using one. Pretty sure it was taken into consideration when they designed the PC/Mac. The 'click'. You know, it's the same as if your fabulous new pair of high heels didn't click, or clack, when walking. Just. not. cool. I'm trying my best to be optimistic about my dilemma. Work with me here.
Now that my rant is over, it's time to move on to the important things that happened about a year ago. This little cutie (with a totally awesome name), Taysley, was born. Her mommy is my hubby's cousin. She was SO stinkin' good! Smiles. Braved the chilly morning winds. Ate some cake. & sported a few more smiles.

She had the completely right idea... :)
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