1) My first born, Bear. Please forgive his shaggy mess of a hair-do. He goes to his salon tomorrow. Bear is a total momma's boy. I love it. I hate it. Sometimes a girl just needs her 'space' & this boy has no clue how to respect my 'bubble'. My husband proposed to me with my Bear. He's ornery. Bear, not my husband. Speaking of my husband, he loves the Dallas Cowboys. He bought our dogs Cowboy jersey's. They're blue. :) Stringing random thoughts together here...work with me.

2) Does anyone else remember these from Elementary/Jr. High? I have, and always will love them. Blue, just happens to be my favorite flavor (after pink...shhhh).

3) And last, but definitely not least. As you may, or may not know, I am from Kansas. Oz is my 'home sweet home'. My family and I are big time KU (University of Kansas) Jayhawk fans. If you see me roaming the streets (well, hopefully not literally) there's a good chance I'll be sporting my KU gear.

I really think I can do something creative for week 3. Patterns. Yeeeeaaaah. I can do this.............