Thursday, June 21, 2012

Trash the Dress | Cache Valley Utah Photographer

Hi Internet. This is Brooke. She is my favorite. She is gorgeous. She is fun. She is willing. 100% ideal client for any photographer.
I was beyond stoked when Brooke said she wanted to do a Trash the Dress session. I've never done one before. Seen them? Yes. Loved them? No doubt. 
Not everyone understands or agrees with 'trashing' a wedding dress. And that's fine. Brooke however, was game. ;) She is also a photographer, a hair dresser, and a designer. She understands the 'need' to be creative and work 'outside of the box' once in a while!
Bold & beautiful was our goal & I think we scored. Don't you?

We had fun. A LOT of fun. My awesome sister in law (as many of you know), assists me on the majority of my photo shoots. We have a blast and she will never know how much I truly appreciate all of her help! She is a good sport and isn't afraid to get burnt, or fall into the freezing river. ;) I {heart} her. That is all.

Remember when I said Brooke was willing? This is exactly what I was referring to! I think {her} hubby and Rach {sister in law/assistant} were also willing! :)

Last fall, I took Brooke & her fam's pictures. After I was done editing them, and my confidence was at       -1892304820938420975028 below normal (yeah, that low) I e-mailed her and told her I was banning myself from every working with her again. I guess I lied & I'm so glad I did. 

I know the 'point' of these pictures, is bright, bold, and colorful. I just couldn't resist this one in black and white. Her eyes amaze me. Just pure awesome.

Last but not least...My favorite picture EVER. The best part was there was hardly ANY editing involved. This girl is a natural.

Thanks Brooke, Steve, & Rach! It was a blast and I LOVE the outcome. You rock & will never know how glad I am you did this shoot with me!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Untitled | Cache Valley Utah Photographer

I've had a LOT of emotions running through me the last few days. When I say a LOT, I mean, A LOT! So, I've taken the last few days as a break. I have not edited a single picture. I have not taken a single picture. I have not blogged. Facebooked. E-mailed, or discussed anything photography related. I needed a few days to collect my thoughts, and though I'm not entirely sure they're 'collected' enough, here's a little 'untitled' post to help you understand a little bit more.

Not everyone understands exactly what a custom photography business is made up of. I'm not going to go into that right now either, because this post could would be EXTREMELY long(er) if I did. There are quite a lot of fabulous examples out there from other photographers that give a break down of the 'biz'. If you'd like, I would be happy to send you a link to one, or two. I would even be happy to give you a break down of EXACTLY what it takes for me in my business session by session, or your session alone. Just ask. I have no secrets. ;)

To be completely honest, just over a year and half ago, when I decided to take photography and venture into my own business, I don't think I truly understood either. I set my price point VERY 'reasonably' low and I gave as MUCH as I possibly could. By doing this, I burned myself. Burned myself badly. Not just financially, but emotionally, physically, and photographically. By last fall, I was ready to flat out quit.

Photography has been a passion and a hobby of mine for as long as I can remember. I was the little girl with no less than 20 rolls of film from one weekend trip to get developed. I saw everything, through a lens. When I hit this 'wall' last fall, I broke down. Sleepless nights, turned to over emotional, crying days.  The one thing I had loved for so long, was slowly tearing me in half. I was not being a good mother. I was not being a good wife. Friend. Daughter. If I can't be good at what I already AM, how can I be good at what I want to be, in addition to those things? I couldn't

So, I did a little soul searching. Instead of quitting, I thought I would try a little longer & I raised my prices by a measly $25 (not nearly enough to cover the financial aspect put into each session). BUT, I also limited the amount of sessions I was taking on per week. I scheduled 'hours' for me to edit so I could keep this business of mine stream-lined. BEST THING I COULD HAVE DONE FOR MYSELF.

One of the best things about the photography business is you. Yes you. The people who interact. Watch. Enjoy. & let me take their pictures. I'm a shy person and I'm also not from Utah. I didn't have friends or even acquaintances. Pathetic, I know. The last year and a half, I have met SO MANY amazing new people. I've been able to keep in contact with a good number of them, and I cherish every one of my clients who has trusted me enough to capture their weddings, families, new babies, & seniors. ALL OF IT. I feel so lucky to call these people my friends. YOU have helped me grow as a photographer, absolutely, but more importantly, as a person. 

When I was informed that my pictures had been stolen, printed, and distributed to others in very poor quality, I was heart broken. I couldn't understand WHY, or HOW someone could think that was okay. That's shoplifting. It's dishonest. & very disheartening.  

I realized it was my fault. I was not careful enough  to protect the hard work I put into my images. I was too trusting. It's unfortunate that I had to learn the hard way, but I did.

My packages and pricing have been modified.  I need to protect myself, sure. BUT going through this I realized that, even more importantly, I need to protect YOUR images from dishonest people. My FB sneak peeks will only include up to 3 images.  My blogs will not share as many photos as they have in the past. My information will be embedded into each image, so printers will know and see my contact information. If someone tries to print illegally, they will now be able to contact me directly. My watermarks will now be on each photograph, shown something similar to this.

From here on out, I will do the bare minimum on these social sites when given permission by you. I encourage you to use your password protected, private galleries to show all of your images to your family and friends.

I sincerely want to THANK, those of you who have been honest, respectful, and amazing to work with.  I will be offering my amazing returning clients a $25 print credit! 

Please, take a moment to read about my new prices and packages, effective today. Thank you again, for understanding. If you have any questions, PLEASE, don't hesitate to ask! :)

**If you have signed and returned a Session Agreement form, you may apply your payment to one of these new packages, if you chose. If not, I will honor my old packages until your session is 'closed'. **


The Mini Package-$75  
Rachel Eve Photography, will now offer mini sessions ALL year round. There may also be mini 'specials', or themed set ups around the holiday's. These specials will all be posted on Facebook, as well as 'The Blog' so you will be 'in the know'.

Mini Sessions include:

-20-25 minute shoot (one location only)
-Professional edits on 5 images
-Private online gallery 
-2 images (you will pick from your gallery) in a digital collection (disc) with a print release. This digital collection will also have your purchased images, sized and formatted to share with your family and friends online, if you wish.

The Basic Package-$150

The Basic Package will include:

-1 to 2 hour session. Any number of locations. Any number of outfit changes.
-Professional edits on 20 images
-Private online gallery
-5 images (you will pick from your gallery) in a digital collection (disc) with a print release. This digital collection will also have your purchased images, sized and formatted to share with your family and friends online, if you wish.

The Full Package- $250

The Full Package will include:

-1 to 2 hour session. Any number of locations. Any number of outfit changes.
-Professional edits on 20 images
-Private online gallery
-10 images (you will pick from your gallery) in a digital collection (disc) with a print release. This digital collection will also have your purchased images, sized and formatted, to share with your family and friends online, if you wish.
-5% off A La Carte Prices!

The Complete Package- $350

The Complete Package will include:

-1 to 2 hour session. Any number of locations. Any number of outfit changes.
-Professional edits on 20 images
-Private online gallery
-15 images (you will pick from your gallery) in a digital collection (disc) with a print release. This digital collection will also have your purchased images, sized and formatted, to share with your family and friends online, if you wish.
-10% off A La Carte Prices!
- 1- 8x10 professional print
- 2- 5x7 professional prints

The Ultimate Package- $450 **BEST VALUE**

The Ultimate Package will include:

-1 to 2 hour session. Any number of locations. Any number of outfit changes.
-Professional edits on 20 images
-Private online gallery
-20 images (you will pick from your gallery) in a digital collection (disc) with a print release. This digital collection will also have your purchased images, sized and formatted, to share with your family and friends online, if you wish.
-15% off A La Carte Prices!
-FREE SHIPPING on A La Carte Items!
- 1- 11x14 professional print
- 2- 8x10 professional print
- 2- 5x7 professional prints
- 1- sheet of wallets

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tori- 2012 Senior | Preston, Idaho Senior Photographer

I had SO much fun with all of my seniors this year. In the future, I would love to photograph seniors full time.  Look at this girl....can you really blame me? She is to die for gorgeous and we had a lot of fun at her session. I don't know about you, but I see a little hint on Megan Fox in these pictures! ;)

It was freezing. It was snowing. She was a sport. & covered in goose bumps.
I spy.....snow! Do you?
I wasn't lying about Megan Fox. If you can't see the similarities in the photos at the barn, you're nuts. Plain nuts. & maybe a little blind! ;)
One of my favorites from the session!

 Now that Miss Tori is all graduated and stuuufff...her cards are no longer 'secret'. I <3 how they turned out..don't you?

Congratulations on graduating Tori! 

About Me

I'm in this for the long haul, and I'm glad you've joined me.

'Hate on, & watch me fly'-J*

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