Friday, April 15, 2011

Girls Girls Girls

I used to babysit this little cutie all the time. 

 Although, I don't get to anymore, Emma sure loves when she gets the chance to play with Hayden.  We watched Barney. We danced.  Yes, I said WE, not they. We played with play dough. 

 We made a mess on the driveway and on our clothes with some fancy chalk. We ate Mac N Cheese. & of course, we took a few pictures!  Miss Emma refuses to sit still or look at the camera for a picture anymore. There is a chance I have the camera out A LOT. So, instead of fighting her, I enjoyed taking a few of cutie-pa-tootie Hayden!

P.S. If you love that tutu (which I do, it was a killer $10-I know, seriously, awesome deal) check out them out  at Pink Castle Boutique!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Oh my crap. Seriously? You've got to be kidding me. There is no way. This is a joke. It's gotta be. A joke played on a whole other level. Someone pulled this off on a huge scale. They did well. I got 'burned'.  Right? Please tell me this is just a serious 'burn'.

Nope. Not a burn.

I don't often wish to be the subject of a practical joke. Not ever actually. However, the last few days of snow continuously falling..I wish I was. I wish it was fluff. Like little pieces of marshmallow fluff. Or a lot of pillow stuffing. Feathers you know? Anything really. Anything, besides the dreaded snow.

I told my husband we mind as well break Christmas out and celebrate again. Make the snow worth while. No, I was not kidding. I was 100% serious, and will still take anyone up on the offer. He did not like that idea. Nope. Not at all.  :(

Today my little nephew turned 3!  He is pretty much the cutest thing ever. Be careful, & don't mistake him for one of those yummy, totally caloric cupcakes. You know, because he is so cute you wanna eat him up too? Despite the unforgiving April weather we've been blessed  cursed with, it was fun to get together with the family for a Space Ranger celebration.

He was so stinkin' cute. After all his little friends would take their turn "pinning the tail", he would go up and fix it. 

Delicious cake? Yes please.

It's very possible I tried a new PS action on the above photo. Verdict? I like it. Mucho. 

He loved this "gun" he got! Along with all his other fab.u.lous gifts!

You know how dad's think they are all sorts of funny, and try to trick their kids? Well, dad kept moving the Pinata on Mr. T.  The first time he went to whack that baby and it moved...he seemed a little baffled. Thanks dad, for being tricky, I think it made an extra cute picture of your wondering little guy!  

Umm. Do you not just LOVE that little guy's face? I do. It's priceless.

The kids couldn't quite get it. So dad took a turn. He didn't quite get it either...

Pretty sure it was mom, rockin' her heels, who broke that bad boy open. Way. To. Go. Momma!

Happy Birthday Tayson! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Ew. I hate feet. Growing up, the best possible way my siblings could torture me, was to just get their feet close to me. In my bubble. My husband used to find it hilarious to rub his feet on me when I was almost asleep at night. For that reason, I no longer sleep under the sheet. That way there is at least the sheet dividing his feet from mine.

I have no clue why. I've never had some traumatic experience involving feet. I've never even really seen gross feet.  However, talking about it makes me wanna gag. So, I'll stop.

The strangest thing about my slight phobia, is I LOVE pictures of feet. & shoes. It's a true love/hate relationship. Me and feet. So, here is a small glimpse at some of my favorite pictures, of feet.  :)

I always love a little play on depth of field.  Especially when feet are involved. I sound like such a freak cool person. I know. 

About Me

I'm in this for the long haul, and I'm glad you've joined me.

'Hate on, & watch me fly'-J*

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